Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Let's Start Polling, too!

We're going to have a contest here at White Nerdy Wonks a little later this weekend to see who comes closest on a few up-in-the-air questions for the election. But to get you in the mood, we'll start off with a good ol' blog poll to really put your prognostication skills to work.

Can you predict the state that will provide the needed electoral votes on Election Night for the networks to call a winner? You've got to use your thinking caps, because you've got to chronologically figure how your candidate will get to 270+. Let's take Obama: assume that VA, NC, FL, PA, OH, and IN will all be to close to call when the polls close. But how long until they get called? An hour? Maybe if the current polling sticks in PA or VA. But it'll probably be a while until at least FL gets called. And by that point, the Central states will have probably closed, if not the Pacific states. So any state could really be the one that puts Obama over the edge. CA, OR, WA, and NV could all get called before FL/OH/MO. Or maybe they won't matter.

I can't figure out how to put on a drop-down menu of all the states. So for now, vote for what time zone the state will be in. Consider OR to be Pacific; AZ and ID to be Mountain; KS, NE, ND, SD, TX, TN and IN (why not) to be Central; FL, MI, and KY in Eastern. We'll use NBC/MSNBC as the official caller.